How our Behaviour Effects Communication

Course Description

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers who may encounter ‘Challenging Behaviour’ in a workplace setting. The course can be tailored for specific audiences.

Course Overview:
This course is designed to support staff understand the effects of our Behaviour in our communication with others.  It enables staff to understand how to reduce the risk when lone working and deal with factors that may increase or decrease the likelihood of behaviour occurring.

Course Aims:
By the end of the course participants will have:

  • Explained how to use verbal and non-verbal communication and why we use behaviour as     communication
  • Described what you personally perceive as ‘Challenging Behaviour’
  • Named strategies to reduce or prevent the risk of possible incidents occurring
  • Strategies to prevent incidents escalating
  • Understand how people are affected during an incident, and how to control our responses
  • Explained how you can reduce risks when lone working
  • Contributed ideas on how to manage post-incident issues

Min Participants: 3
Max Participants: 12
Duration: 3 hours
Level: CPD
Certificate: Certificate of Attendance
Price: Competitive Rates – Please contact me for a price

What participants have said about the course:

” Will support me in recognising what causes challenging behaviour and adapting my way of working to help with challenging situations”
” I will listen better”
” More aware how to manage situations”

Clients include: NHS, Virgin Care, Care Homes, DCC

Please contact me for further details of course dates and venues. I can also offer bespoke training for your business.